When I bought the outboard it didn't come with a gas tank so that has been one of my missions to find during this past week. After a few looks on eBay and deciding hipping was going to be too much, I put my faith with Craigslist and found a few no problem; though there weren't any that came with hoses. I made a call about an ad where a guy was selling five or six 1950's and older outboards and the same amount of gas tanks and we set up a time for the next morning. The reason I'm explain this is because when I arrived at his house he had a ton of old boating equipment. He had cleats from old Christ Crafts, steering setups, throttle cables, etc. He gave me a great deal too, and I left with a brand new hose, a like new 6 gallon gas tank, and a smaller 3 gallon tank (I think it's 3 gallons at least). He also had an Evinrude throttle and shifter box that I would have also picked up if I would have brought enough cash with me. Anyway, he'll be another resource for some more equipment when I need it. I also received the fiberglass kit from Glen-L this week so I've got some more inspiration to keep things moving. I read over the how-to sheet that came with the kit and it seems fairly simple but I have a video an book I'm going to look over too. I don't want to make any mistakes in this part because it's already been an expensive 2 weeks and another fiberglass kit would help that. It looks easy enough though so I'm not worried.
Gas Tanks, 3 & 6 Gallons
Glen-L Fiberglass Kit
On a side note, my grandpa had an older Evinrude outboard, early '60's I think, that he didn't want anymore so he let me pick it up from him. It's a 3 horse, 2 cylinder, and it hasn't been ran it in the 20 some years he's had it. It was previously used on a sailboat and only used to get in and out of the slip. When I have some time I'm going to try and get it to start.
3 HP Evinrude